Marketing Metrics
(and Key Performance Indicators)
Did you know that you can use marketing metrics to be more competitive?
You are wearing many hats in your organization. It’s likely hard to find time to think about marketing metrics. Where do you even start? Do you have the right data to make a business decision? Which values or Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) demonstrate that your initiative is effective?
“Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.”― H. James Harrington
How will you know if your campaigns were successful without having a definition of success? You need a clear goal and the ability to measure progress towards your goal. Metrics are a dashboard of indicators that give you information to help drive your marketing decisions.
Schedule a call if you need help with determining which measurable values you should focus on.